tempusSystem Class ActuatorDynamics
ActuatorDynamics is part of the WaveTrain system class library

ActuatorDynamics models the dynamics of a set of identical actuators. Each actuator is modeled as a critically damped harmonic oscillator.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
nact  int   number of actuators (controls size of input and output vectors)   
timeLimit  double   maximum amount of time that recallable outputs must be kept (if zero, then forever) (s)   0.0
timeConstant  float   controls the speed of actuator response; the actuators are modeled as critically damped harmonic oscillators.   1.e-6
pos0  Vector<float>   Initial position   Vector()
vel0  Vector<float>   Initial velocity   Vector()
acc0  Vector<float>   Initial acceleration (command)   Vector()
actuatorCommands  Vector<float>   actuator commands (m)   
actuatorPositions  Recallable<Vector<float>>   actuators positions (m). this output was made a "Recallable" to support looking back in time.   

Subsystem icon
  ActuatorDynamics_dmk    actdyn_dmk
nact  int   nact
d  float   2.0f * timeConstant
m  float   (float)pow((double)timeConstant,2.0)
k  float   1.0
timeLimit  double   timeLimit
pos0  Vector<float>   pos0
vel0  Vector<float>   vel0
acc0  Vector<float>   acc0

actdyn_dmk.actuatorCommands  <<=  actuatorCommands
actuatorPositions  <<=  actdyn_dmk.actuatorPositions
Last Saved: Thu May 03 23:11:55 MDT 2001 by TVE version 2007B