ActuatorDynamics_dmk is part of the WaveTrain system class library
ActuatorDynamics_dmk models the dynamics of a set of identical actuators. Each actuator is modeled as a damped harmonic oscillator (not necessarily critically damped): m*xdotdot + d*xdot + k*x =c, where x=actuator position, c=actuator command, m=mass, d=damping coefficient, k=spring constant.
nact |  int | Number of actuators (controls size of input and output vectors) | |
d |  float | Damping coefficient. | |
m |  float | Mass. | |
k |  float | Spring constant. | |
timeLimit |  double | Maximum amount of time that recallable outputs must be kept (if zero, then forever) (s). | 0.0 |
pos0 |  Vector<float> | Initial position | Vector() |
vel0 |  Vector<float> | Initial velocity | Vector() |
acc0 |  Vector<float> | Initial acceleration (command). | Vector() |
actuatorCommands |  Vector<float> | Actuators commands (proportional to meters, according to spring constant). | |
actuatorPositions |  Recallable<Vector<float>> | Actuators positions (m). This output was made a "Recallable" to support looking back in time. | |
Subsystems |
Last Saved: Tue Feb 19 11:57:20 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B