tempusSystem Class AfocalBeamExpander
AfocalBeamExpander is part of the WaveTrain system class library

AfocalBeamExpander expands models an afocal beam expander by expanding/contracting the incoming beam size and contracting/expanding the outgoing beam path. It is different from the Magnify system in that it handles changes the reference wave to account for the expansion/contraction.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
incoming_power  float   The magnification to be applied to the incoming path. 1/incoming_power is used to reduce the outgoing path.   1.0
incomingIncident  WaveTrain   Incoming incident WaveTrain   WaveTrain()
outgoingIncident  WaveTrain   Outgoing incident WaveTrain   WaveTrain()
incomingTransmitted  WaveTrain   Incoming transmitted WaveTrain, magnified by incoming_power   
outgoingTransmitted  WaveTrain   Outgoing transmitted WaveTrain, reduced by (1/incoming_power) WaveTrain()  

Last Saved: Tue Feb 05 13:53:27 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B