DMOptics is part of the WaveTrain system class library
DMOptics models the optical effects (applied OPD) of a deformable mirror. Actuator geometries, influence functions, and slaving relationships are generally specified using AoTool, and passed in via a parameter of type DMModel.
dmModel |  DMModel& | defines the dm and wfs geometries, actuator influence function and slaving relationships, etc. | DMModel() |
incomingIncident |  WaveTrain | describes all light incident from the "incoming" direction | WaveTrain() |
outgoingIncident |  WaveTrain | describes all light incident from the "outgoing" direction | WaveTrain() |
actuatorPositions |  Recallable<Vector<float>> | Actuator positions to be applied to DM (m) | |
incomingTransmitted |  WaveTrain | describes all light transmitted in the "incoming" direction | |
outgoingTransmitted |  WaveTrain | describes all light transmitted in the "outgoing" direction | |
AppliedOPD |  Grid<float> | shows the OPD applied basd on the DM shape | |
Subsystems |
Last Saved: Tue Sep 03 21:24:15 MDT 2002 by TVE version 2007B