tempusSystem Class DMOptics
DMOptics is part of the WaveTrain system class library

DMOptics models the optical effects (applied OPD) of a deformable mirror. Actuator geometries, influence functions, and slaving relationships are generally specified using AoTool, and passed in via a parameter of type DMModel.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
dmModel  DMModel&   defines the dm and wfs geometries, actuator influence function and slaving relationships, etc.   DMModel()
incomingIncident  WaveTrain   describes all light incident from the "incoming" direction   WaveTrain()
outgoingIncident  WaveTrain   describes all light incident from the "outgoing" direction   WaveTrain()
actuatorPositions  Recallable<Vector<float>>   Actuator positions to be applied to DM (m)   
incomingTransmitted  WaveTrain   describes all light transmitted in the "incoming" direction   
outgoingTransmitted  WaveTrain   describes all light transmitted in the "outgoing" direction   
AppliedOPD  Grid<float>   shows the OPD applied basd on the DM shape   

Last Saved: Tue Sep 03 21:24:15 MDT 2002 by TVE version 2007B