HartWfsSTP is part of the WaveTrain system class library
HartWfsSTP (Hartman Wavefront Sensor Special Tilt Processing) is an advanced version of HarmannWfsDft that allows for special handling of tilt placed in the tilt register of the reference wave. If stpFlag = 0, tilt from the reference wave is handled in the code by a series of grid shifts before and after the DFT's. If stpFlag = 1, tilt in the reference wave is ignored. If stpFlag = 2, tilt from the reference wave is put into the field (like HartmannWfsDft). HartmannWfsDft models a Hartmann wavefront sensor. For each incident wavefront, the field over each subaperture is propagated to the detector plane (at the common focal plane of the subaperture lenslets) using an DFT, then the fields from all the subapertures are superposed, and the resulting intensity computed. HartWfsSTP can model any number of subapertures, in any geometry. Subaperture geometries are generally created using AoTool, as part of setting up an adaptive optics geometry. If multiple wavefronts are received simultaneously they are assumed to be mutually incoherent, so their intensities add. The intensity is then integrated over the exposure interval, then, after an optional delay used to model readout time, it becomes available as an output. HartWfsSTP does not itself add sensor noise; for that one would run it's output through a SensorNoise block. Like all WaveTrain optical sensors, HartWfsSTP works with both pulsed and continuous wave illumination. HartWfsSTP is a subclass of the class IntensitySensor, from the WaveTrain class library.
wavelength |  float | Wavelength at which sensor is sensitive (m) | 1.0e-06 |
nxyPupil |  int | Used ONLY with Wavesharing (see WT User Guide) | 512 |
dxyPupil |  float | Used ONLY with Wavesharing (see WT User Guide) | 0.01 |
nxyDetector |  int | Number of sample points across FULL sensor plane | 512 |
dxyDetector |  float | Spacing of sample points in sensor plane (m) | 10.0e-06 |
subapWidth |  float | Width of subapertures in the pupil plane (m) | 0.1 |
detectorPlaneDistance |  float | (m) Usually equal to focalDistance, but allowed to differ. | 1.0 |
focalDistance |  float | Focal length of lenslets (m) | 1.0 |
magnification |  float | Magnification of lenslet array | 1.0 |
overlapRatio |  float | Controls overlap of propagated subaperture fields (0.0->abutting) | 0.0 |
xSubap |  Vector<float> | X-coordinates of the subap centers in the pupil plane (m) | Vector() |
ySubap |  Vector<float> | Y-coordinates of the subap centers in the pupil plane (m) | Vector() |
xSlope0 |  float | X slopes to be output prior to the first complete sample (rad) | 0.0 |
ySlope0 |  float | Y slopes to be output prior to the first complete sample (rad) | 0.0 |
stpFlag |  int | 0 = handle ref wave tilt by shifting grids; 1 = ignore ref wave tilt; 2 = place ref wave tilt into field | 0 |
incident |  WaveTrain | Incident light | WaveTrain() |
on |  bool | on/off switch (on=true, off=false) | true |
exposureInterval |  double | Time between start of successive exposure windows (s) | 0.001 |
exposureLength |  double | Length of each exposure window (s) | 0.000001 |
sampleInterval |  double | Time between samples within one exposureLength (s) | 0.0 |
integrated_intensity |  Grid<float> | Temporally-integrated intensity at focal plane (J/m^2) | |
slopes |  Vector<float> | Subaperture wavefront x-slopes followed by y-slopes (radians of tilt angle) | |
Subsystems |
Last Saved: Thu Jan 24 13:45:42 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B