tempusSystem Class Recon
Recon is part of the WaveTrain system class library

Recon performs wavefront reconstruction: given a vector of wavefront slope measurements from a wavefront sensor, it computes a vector of actuator commands for the deformable mirror designed to approximately cancel the wavefront distortion seen by the sensor. The reconstruction is implemented as a matrix multiply, where the reconstructor matrix is passed in as one data member of a DMModel object, which also carries information about the subaperture and actuator geometries, actuator influence functions and so forth.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
dmModel  DMModel&   Specification of deformable mirror   
slopes  Vector<float>   Estimated wavefront slopes (x slopes followed by y slopes) (rad)   
commands  Vector<float>   Actuator commands (m)   

Last Saved: Sun Nov 15 16:18:04 MST 1998 by TVE version 2007B