tempusSystem Class TransverseMotion
TransverseMotion is part of the WaveTrain system class library

TransverseMotion models a varying translation between two parts of an optical path. It has two WaveTrain inputs and two WaveTrain outputs, used to model both incoming and outgoing light. It also has a recallable vector input specifying the translation time history.

Note: Relativistic effects arising from the implied velocity required to move between positions are ignored in this model

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
incomingIncident  WaveTrain   describes all light incident from the "incoming" direction   WaveTrain()
outgoingIncident  WaveTrain   describes all light incident from the "outgoing" direction   WaveTrain()
translation  Recallable<Vector<float>>   Translation in X & Y (m)   
outgoingTransmitted  WaveTrain   describes all light transmitted in the "outgoing" direction   
incomingTransmitted  WaveTrain   describes all light transmitted in the "incoming" direction   

Last Saved: Thu May 19 14:44:31 MDT 2005 by TVE version 2007B