tempusSystem Class TriggeredWeightedSum
TriggeredWeightedSum is part of the WaveTrain system class library

TriggeredWeightedSum computes the weighted sum of two input vectors whenever the first of the two changes, triggering the sum computation. This behavior is useful when the output sum is connected to an input-driven system, which we want to execute whenever one summand changes, but not when the other does.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
weight1  float   Weighting factor applied to the first summand vector   1.0
weight2  float   Weighting factor applied to the second summand vector   1.0
summand1  Vector<float>   First summand vector, changes to which trigger recomputation of the output   
summand2  Vector<float>   Second summand vector, changes to which do not trigger recomputation of the output   
sum  Vector<float>   Weighted sum of the two input vectors, recomputed only when the first input vector changes   

Last Saved: Wed Feb 20 14:53:43 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B