tempusSystem Class WTxRGC
WTxRGC is part of the WaveTrain system class library

Multiply incident WaveTrain by a Recallable< Grid< Complex > >. Get the next Wave from the incident WaveTrain and multiply it by the available grid and pass it on as transmitted. The transmitted WaveTrain has the same format at incident. Options for scaling and conjugating the grid are provided.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
conjGrid  int   Flag indicating whether the grid should be conjugated.   0
warnOnIncident  int   Flag indicating whether warnReferencors is called when incident changes.   1
warnOnGrid  int   Flag indicating whether warnReferencors is called when grid or any of the scale factors change.   1
incident  WaveTrain   Incident light   WaveTrain()
grid  Recallable<Grid<Complex>>   Grid to be multiplied by.   recallableGridComplex(Grid())
sfc  Recallable<Complex>   Complex scale factor for grid.   recallableComplex(Complex(1.0,0.0))
transmitted  WaveTrain   Transmitted light WaveTrain()  

Last Saved: Fri Oct 25 11:19:24 MDT 2002 by TVE version 2007B